Harald edward kagaruki

(サービス LSA)


My daily projects , mostly is out of the station , Visiting Ships at Ports or ship yards with other great service team member. Conducting Inspection , Service and Testing of the LSA on board ships. It is very fun and good when I combine my experience in Marine Field Thanks all team mate , I do dedicate my special thanks to my wife and my sons .


私が事務所にいることはほとんどありません。港やドックに停泊中の船が私の職場です。日々、サービスチームの仲間たちとともに現場に出向きます。船上でLSA検査や修理、試験を行うのが仕事です。様々な経験を糧にして良い仕事ができたときは素晴らしいものです。良いチームメイトに恵まれ、感謝しています。 また、私の妻と息子たちにも感謝を捧げます。(2015年8月)

Harald believe in Technology and innovation.But in order to archive the goals planed, you must face different Challenge environment. While challenging work of innovations you should remember that

  • Teamwork as the key to a success and safe work environment
  • Safety has no quitting time.


Then let innovate the new technology.
